- Open today 11–17
Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art continuously lends works from its collections to exhibitions at other art institutions in Sweden and abroad. If your institution is interested in borrowing works from the museum’s collections, we need to receive your application at least six months before the opening date of your exhibition.
Loan applications must be sent as letters (not only by email) to the museum director. The application is to contain the following information:
More information on loan costs etc. is gathered in the Terms and conditions for loans from the collections of Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art (pdf). For a loan to be approved, the borrowing institution must meet the terms and conditions set by Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art. The borrower covers all the direct costs associated with the loan.
Skissernas Museum
Malin Enarsson, curator
Telephone +46 (0)46-222 72 87 or +46 (0)70-144 78 35
Email: malin.enarsson@skissernasmuseum.lu.se
Lund University Art Collection
Nilufar Salehi, Deputy Lund University Art Collection
Telephone: +46 (0)46-222 83 88
Email: nilufar.salehi@skissernasmuseum.lu.se