- Closed
Skissernas Museum is responsible for this website. Our aim os to make it accessibile to as many as possible. On this page you can find information regarding how skissernasmuseum.se meets accessibility laws and requirements for digital public service in Sweden, known accessibility limitations and what you, as a end user, can do to report inaccessible contents.
How accessible is this website?
This website ois partly compliant with thelaw about accessibility for digital public service in Sweden. Accessibility limitations are listed below:
What to do if you experience difficulties regarding accessibility?
If you need content from Skissernas Museum, do not hesitate to contact us at info@skissernasmuseum.lu.se.
Report unknown limitations in accessibility
We are aware of some limitations in accessibility, listed above. Our ambition is to continuously improve the website’s function and accessibility. If you experience problems that may induce that we do not follow the lawful reuirements regarding accessibility, please do contact us at: info@skissernasmuseum.lu.se and provide the following:
Myndigheten för digital förvaltning has the responsibility for supervision and review of the law of accessibility in digital public service. If you are not satisfied with how we manage your reported issues, you can contact and inform Myndigheten för digital förvaltning.
Contact information for Myndigheten för digital förvaltning – digg.se
Unreasonably burdensome adaptions
Skissernas Museum invoke exceptions for unreasonably burdensom adaptions refering to 12 § lagen om tillgänglighet till digital public service for the following:
A major part of the contents on skissernasmuseum.se are images of artistic work. Writing descriptive alt-texts for the entirity of images will require large work efforts and has not been finalized.
How the website was tested
Accessibility test have been performed with Lighthouse and WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool.
The most recent evaluation was conducted on 10th of January 2023. This Accessibility Report was updated 10th of January 2023.