• Open today 11–17
Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Cast, 2019, stillbild från film.
Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Ute Jätte, 2019, i bakgrunden Anne Thulin, Double Dribble Lund. Foto Emma Krantz / Skissernas Museum
Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Mother (2014) brons. Foto Emma Krantz / Skissernas Museum
Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Night, Descend (2014). Foto Emma Krantz / Skissernas Museum
Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Montage (2019), fotografikollage. Foto Per Erik Adamsson
Charlotte Gyllenhammar, detalj Moderform, 2019, jesmonite och gips. Foto Emma Krantz / Skissernas Museum
Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Moderform och kastad/cast, 2019, jesmonite och gips. Foto Emma Krantz / Skissernas Museum

Charlotte Gyllenhammar – kastad/cast

Skissernas Museum presents a solo exhibition with Charlotte Gyllenhammar’s sculpture, photography and film work. Gyllenhammar’s work explores the boundary between private and public, often with issues related to identity and vulnerability and the conditions for artistic creation. A central work in the exhibition is the film Cast, in which a woman is violently cast by having plaster thrown on her. In the end, she is covered in plaster and turned into a sculpture.

In another room, an installation shows a sculpture of a woman and the mould in which it is cast. Out, Giant stands outside in The Sculpture Park. It is a five meter tall sculpture of a child wearing overalls, protected from storms but with limited mobility and field of vision.

Charlotte Gyllenhammar was born 1963 in Gothenburg. She is educated at The Royal College of Art in London and The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. She was appointed professor at Malmö Art Academy in 1995. Gyllenhammar’s breakthrough on the Swedish art scene came with the work Die for You (Dö för dig), an oak hung upside down on Drottninggatan in Stockholm, 1993. She is represented in many collections and has created several works for public space, including Meteorite in Lund (2017), & child (2016) and Mother (2014) in Malmö, Memorial – Raoul Wallenberg (2007) in Gothenburg and Under (2006) in Stockholm.