• Open today 12–17



Routes of Resistance

During a creative week at Skissernas Museum the curators from Routes of Resistance will collectively continue the process by exploring each other’s material to create a joint form of expression, negotiating polyphonic, more complex perspectives on global artistic routes of resistance. In Birgit Rausing's Hall, this process-based project develops in the form of an exhibition, workshops, talks, screenings and performance.

Visiting: 60+ UnFold – Exploring artistic directions in architectural research 

The School of Architecture at Lund University is celebrating its 60th anniversary with an exhibition in Gallerigången.

Visiting: Master students from Malmö Art Academy

Graduating students from the Malmö Art Academy show works in Skissernas Museum's collection exhibitions and in unexpected places in the museum. The students work in several different media: painting, installation, photography, sculpture and video.

Visiting: Master students from Malmö Art Academy, Part 1

Graduating students from the Malmö Art Academy show works in Skissernas Museum's collection exhibitions and in unexpected places in the museum. The students work in several different media: painting, installation, photography, sculpture and video.

Visiting: Sketching for a Public Art Project

11 April–12 May 2024 Opening Thursday 11 April at 17-20 Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Processes and Public Art invites the Malmö Art Academy to present sketches made by ...

Making Nature

Fredrik Strid

The starting point for Fredrik Strid's exhibition "Making Nature" is the process-based sculpture project "Alla fåglar i Sverige" (All Birds of Sweden). The project, which the artist has been working on since 2018, will be shown here in its entirety for the first time.

Come as you are!

…and other new acquisitions

The major autumn exhibition is a selection of the hundreds of acquisitions added to the museum’s collection in recent years. The sketches provide exciting insights into the artists’ work processes and how ideas emerge and take shape.

Hopp (Hope) – glass art piece by Erika Lagerbielke for Lund Cathedral

This summer, Erika Lagerbielke’s sketches for the glass art piece Hopp (Hope) will be exhibited in The Arcade Gallery. The art piece in glass is placed in the window above the altar in the crypt of Lund Cathedral. It was inaugurated earlier this year in connection to the 900-year anniversary of the altar.

Jämlika presenterar: Vad hände med våra förebilder?


Jämlika är en grupp studenter från arkitektutbildningen som arbetar med jämlikhetsfrågor. Här utforskar de vilka förebilder utbildningen presenterar och varför vissa inte lyfts fram. Var de dåliga arkitekter? Utställningen öppnar 30 mars kl.19.


Sigurd Lewerentz, Petra Gipp

The major exhibition for the spring and summer highlights the architect Sigurd Lewerentz and some of his most famous buildings. His work has inspired Petra Gipp to created a new sculptural work for the exhibition.

På besök: Konstföreningen Lundensias inköp till 2022 års konstlotteri

Det årliga konstlotteriet är en av höjdpunkterna bland aktiviteterna i Lundensia, Lunds universitets egen konstförening. I Gallerigången visas den konst som köpts in 2022 av Ellen Klintenberg, intendent på Ystads konstmuseum.

The Corona Collection – Public Art Agency Sweden’s acquisitions 2021

Skissernas Museum presents a selection of the more than 500 works of art by 350 artists that Public Art Agency Sweden acquired in 2021 in support of the Swedish art world during the pandemic.

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