• Open today 12–17

Species of Space

This exhibition presents the encounter of sixteen graduating students from the Masters Program in Fine Arts at the Malmö Art Academy, which like Skissernas Museum is an integral part of Lund University. After having worked for many years in parallel in individual studios, their works are now given an opportunity to interact and communicate with each other. The exhibition title is inspired by the French author Georges Perec’s book Espèces d’espaces (published in English with the title Species of Spaces) from 1974. In the same way as Perec encourages the reader to look at everyday reality in new ways, as if we really never saw it before, the artists in this exhibition question and expand habitual ways of looking at the world. Transforming materials and shifting conventional representations they explore the borderline between figuration and abstraction, reality and dream, the rational and the irrational. The space opening up provides room for new ways of reimagining the connection to the world, where no one has privilege of interpretation and where no predetermined framework confines searching and the creation of meaning.

Participating students:

Andreas Albrectsen Una Margrét Árnadóttir Daniel Peder Askeland Martin Berring Johan Eldrot Ingrid Furre Tiril Hasselknippe Sindri Leifsson David Nilson Maria Norrman Bjarni Tor Petursson Jessica Sanderheim Maiken Stene Julia Stepp Linda Spjut Sebastian Wahlforss